Ladies and gentlemen, I present the wacky Brooklyn trio, Right On Dynamite. Sadly we missed their last show at Mercury Lounge but we hear it was fantastic! Their next appearance will be back at The Merc on 9/4... don't... miss... it! Here's our 8 Questions with the band.
1. MySpace - the friend or the enemy?
Jon-Myspace is a friend, it's a connection to all kinds of people
and fans. You are able to reach a whole bunch of people that you
wouldn't have had access to otherwise.
Nick- I'm affraid I can't answer this question
Dan-Both, It's a great tool for bands but it seems to be ruining the
rest of our culture, or maybe it's fine...
2. Who would win in a thumbwrestling match: Rivers Cuomo or Morrissey?
Dan-Morrissey all the way he would intimidate the shit out of Rivers.
Nick-(He takes a deep breath) It's one of the hardest questions I've
ever had to think about. I was gonna say Rivers, but now I'm gonna
pick Morrissey
Jon-I have no idea how to answer this question to be honest with you.
3. What's your favorite infomercial?
Jon- The sobakawa pillow! It's this pillow that is not made out of
feathers, it's made out of all sorts of something else. It looks so
Dan-The Ronco Knives Commercial. They give so much away! The knives
are obviously shit because of the amount of giveaways but they are so
Nick-The one with the bit and pearing knife.
4. If you weren't residing and making music in Brooklyn, where would you be?
Dan-I'd be living in Manhattan, residing and making music
Jon-I'd be living in Queens doing the same thing.
Nick-I'd be in Idaho eating patatos...honestly.
5. What would be ROD's dream venue to do a gig at?
Nick-Any Place that people would really enjoy it, and any place that
we would really enjoy playing.
Jon-To sell out Shea Stadium. I wanna sell it out like the Beatles
and the Police.
Dan-Reading probably, headlining.
6. Anyone we should keep our ears out for? Any band that's not
getting the attention they rightfully deserve?
Jon-The Americans
Dan- French Kicks
Nick-As far as bands goes, I like the Blend, they are just a really
good young band.
7. Drink of choice:
Dan-A nice glass of red wine
Jon- Pepsi Cola
8. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Any parting words?
What's on the horizon for Right On Dynamite?
Nick-Your welcome, I think there's too much on the horizon to put
into words but it's gonna be a really good thing.
Dan-Lots more music, lots more shows, lots more of our faces around
everywhere...that's what I hope anyway. I really hope to just have
the oportunity to make music as much as possible.
Jon- Be excited, biig things are on the way!
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