You are probably aware that you have a big international film festival going on right now. Well, one of the movies showing happens to be made by a very good friend of this site, Mr. Brook Silva-Braga. A Map For Saturday chronicles Brook's adventures as he travelled around the world for all of 2005 (where one of the highlights was, he met me in Scotland, I am in the movie for a whopping 3 seconds).
The first showing is tonight at 7:15pm, sorry for the late notice. Brook will be there answering questions after the movie. He's horribly cute and quite the cad not to mention his film is really endearing and enjoyable. If you go, make sure to say hi and tell him Jen sent you.
The movie is also showing at 2:15pm tomorrow and 3/22 at 7:15pm.
Go here to find out about purchasing tickets: http://www.clevelandfilm.org/ciff_films_find.php?fid=2178
Check out his myspace to watch the trailer and a clip from the film.
For those attending the Memphis International Film Fest later in the month, you can find out more about seeing A Map For Saturday here:
But don't worry, I'll remind you closer to the date.
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