"You taste of potato chips in the morning/Your face has the Marlon Brando club calling/And then the thought that I owe it all to Tulsa/And that fat guy with the Queen shirt that we both signed together/Wanting it for someone who'd been down forever.
Your suit was the whitest thing since you-know-who/I feel that that saviour I've been ... may be you/And then the thought that I owe it all to Tulsa/And that poor girl who waited in the rain for hours to meet me... completely.
And I owe it all to Tulsa... just a reminder/Of the antiques shop I want to go back to and visit when it's open/In Tulsa Oklahama... this song's about you."
Brandon Flowers tastes 'like potato chips'; hahahah, I love it!! Rufus' Release The Stars will be out this spring.
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