1. What have you learned from being in the business?
Also, can you offer any advice to bands starting out?
It's really easy to get lost if you're caught up in too much of the "business" of everything. However, it's important to consider that of course, and to do everything you can to be active in promoting yourself and your music. The toughest part seems to be that the nature of the industry is such that things are always changing around, and the right move to make one month may be the wrong one the next. At that point, you need to just trust in the music you're making, and do what you really want to do. And if you succeed in that, the rest should fall into place.
2. How important is it for a band to come & play conferences like CMJ & SXSW?
Any opportunity to join in with your peers and perform, watch shows, converse, etc. it always a good. And there's no denying the fact that there are fun times to be had as well.
3. You were invited to play Lollapalooza this year which must have been amazing.
What is it like playing a festival that large?
It was certainly different than any other festivals we had played before. I was most impressed with how well coordinated everything was, and how well the festival was run in general. And of course it offered the opportunity to play for thousands of people who were all there because they wanted to spend their entire day enjoying music. I personally had a blast, got to talk to some artists that have been huge inspirations!
4. You recently made the move from Ann Arbor to New York. How are you finding it?
So far it has quickly become a very comfortable and exciting place to live and work on music. We found a great practice space that we enjoy spending time in and enjoy writing in, and what more could you ask for while embarking on your next album.
5. I've heard that you're currently writing your 2nd album. How is that going?
So far so good. I am confident that we will have a proud collection of songs to present.
6. Rugby likes to highlight different social action causes.
Do you have any special interest in a certain charity or cause?
It being almost election time, I should say I am always supportive of any organizations, bipartisan or otherwise, that move people to vote. It's tough sometimes when the electoral college system makes your vote seem meaningless, but everyone really should be making their voice heard. Our entire system of government is based on that fundamental principal, and we can't let laziness or apathy towards politics take anything away from that.
7. Tell me about your colors (each member has a different trademark tie which they wear at all gigs and in all press shots), how did that come about? Do you think it is important for a band to have a specific look?
The colors came up as a way to set ourselves apart from all of the other bands playing around campus. The idea of doing a little branding can go a long way in making your presence known. I don't necessarily think it's important that bands have a specific look, but something that people can refer to and say: "oh, it's the band that does this this this, or wears that". It can really help how well they remember you.
8. What was the highlight of CMJ 2008 for you?
For me it's really been the fact that so many of our friends our in town, be it bands or otherwise. It's nice that there was a reason for everyone to come in town the same weekend and play music together.
Visit Tally Hall on MySpace.
MP3: Tally Hall - Good Day
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