Hello London!

Dear British Readers,

Whatcha up to June 28th? Love is All will be playing with a group I really fancy called Shrag at Cargo in London (83 Rivington St Kingsland Viaduct, Shoreditch, London, EC2A 3AY- Tube: Old Street or Liverpool Street). You may have already downloaded their exceedingly catchy track 'Pregnancy Scene' from Fluxblog but if not, click here, you won't be sorry. Shrag are the openers to the openers, One-Two, so get there by 7:30ish to catch them. Tickets are 7 squid. Let us know if anyone goes.

Also Britons, while I have your attention, may I ask a question? What's up with all the baths? I never could quite understand it. I believe at any one time, about a 1/16 of the country may be in the tub having a good soak. I assure you, Americans do not have bath-time as much. We are a proud nation of shower people. Not that I have anything against bathing, I simply tend to get a bit bored (if I'm alone). Just curious is all. Maybe it's because you invented Radox...

Love always,


Unknown said...

It is basically the on line version of the book "What to expect, when you're expecting" but is free! It gives you week to week pictures and what goes on with baby and your body. They also have good recipes for healthy food during pregnancy, how to battle morning sickness all the way to a checklist for all the things you need or want for your baby.
I love it. I visit it every day when I have time, and you can elect to get e mails, which come like every other day, telling you what to expect this week, and some of them have tips for dad, too. You can try this Pregnancy tracker, to know more about your due date of pregnancy.

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