1. Firstly, congrats on both releases this year. I'm a huge fan of both albums but I'd like to know which did you have more fun working on? Has all the attention that 'Pussy Cats' garnered sort of thrown you for a loop?
Thanks. I think Pussycats was more fun though it was a good time being in DC and sleeping at my parents house while recording for the other one. I kind of tuned out on what kind of attention we get after the last one. I don't think I could follow that stuff again this year.
2. How do you feel about the current NY scene? There are a couple of bands out there that are seemingly auditioning to become the next Walkmen. Any thoughts on groups that appear to be biting your style, a bit?
I don't know why you'd want to bite our style, it ain't doing anything for us. I don't know much about other new bands here. I know a band called the Subjects who we share a rehearsal space with. There good people. One of the guys said he bought our first record when he was in 10th grade. That was very strange for me.
3. If you were to pick a favorite track or two from all your past and present releases, what would it/they be?
Rue the Day and Thinking of A Dream I Had
4. We're having a Holiday Party @ The Delancey on 12/2, wanna come?
Sure. Can I bring my wife?
5. Best crowd you've ever played to, you can be honest.
Probably Greece or Brazil. Mostly because they were the crowds I could have least imagined playing for. Crowd reaction has a lot to do with liquor so the later you play the better.
6. When 'A Hundred Miles Off' was being reviewed earlier this year, everybody and their mother kept comparing you guys to Dylan. Was he a particular influence or a passing influence?
Particular. But you know, we wrote that in our press release so that was about 85% percent of it anyway. Everybody's got to say something so we've really got to stop giving it to them. Every time we put something out, you learn another lesson about what not to say. In the end, it's always something that you typed up in ten minutes that comes back and bites you in the ass.
7. What '07 albums are you most anticipating? Bloc Party? !!!? Maybe a new Justin Timberlake single?
The Tom Waits box set will probably be all that I buy. I am anticipating finishing our record by spring so hopefully that will come out too.
8. Thanks for takin the time to answer our questions, did you have any parting words, or misconceptions to clear up?
Thanks for the support!
MP3s: 'Rue The Day' + 'Emma, Get Me A Lemon'
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