I had to start a new job bright and early the next morning, so I only could stay for a little. I was able to catch the first group up though, a gay rapping duo with their drag queen dj and fag hag back-up singers. They were fantastic and so nice.

Their live show is very funny and not a little bit outrageous. The whole group is completely camp, decked out in leisure suits, hot pants and lots of bling.

Though a bit rough, their show is not to be missed. They could do with some more practice to smooth their flow but part of what was endearing were all the little mishaps and impromptu joking.

The song I especially liked was 'Prayer Warrior'. The girl (Tic-Tac?) who sang the chorus was off utterly amazing, with a voice that would have been well suited for Broadway.

Make sure to come out to the next Beg Yr Pardon. The next one may or may not be on my birthday, December 12th but if it is, Matt and I will be djing the party. I'll keep you posted.
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