Living With Legends, a blog about the Chelsea Hotel, just 'found' this ancient letter written by none other than, MORRISSEY, back in January '81 (before the first Smiths LP was even released!).
In it, he describes his love of cowboys, New York, and getting his photo taken amongst other ramblings.
Love how he closed it out with 'Love + Trash', but did we really thinking Morrissey was a happy-face-drawing kind of guy? Apparently at the ripe old age of 21, he was. One can only hope he still is. Hey Moz, our e-mail is THEMUSICSLUT@GMAIL.COM, drop us a line, won't ya?
PS Moz, what's with all the blank space at top? Are you trying to infer something that is surely going over our heads?
MP3: Morrissey - Alma Matters
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