Their sound is indeed difficult to describe. Whereas someone like The View could easily be labeled as bratty teenage brit-pop, or Amiina could be described as all-female Icelandic multi-instrumentalists, Botanica's music cannot be summed up within a few catch phrases.
At times jazzy, at times soulful, at times Radiohead 'Exit Music'-like. Berlin Hi-Fi (the band's fourth full-length) is unforgettably unique with fantastic/exciting song build-ups led by Paul Wallfisch's (Botanica frontman) precocious knowledge of melody. Oh and for the record, Paul incorporates the following instruments into the album: organ, wurlitzer, toy piano, theremin, stratus, omnichord + other noisemakers. I can't get enough of Botanica!
Official site/MySpace page (tell them The Music Slut sent ya!)
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